
Baidu Featured Snippets Now Tracking in Dragon Metrics

Simon Lesser January 22, 2021

Baidu has long used SERP features very heavily for many years. Recently, those keeping a close eye on the Baidu SERP started to notice a new result type that looks suspiciously like Google’s Featured Snippet result type.

Starting today, we’ve added Featured Snippets to one of the 15+ result types tracked on Baidu SERPs to help you track the performance of your site and competitors in these rich results.

Baidu Featured Snippets

First off the good news — while many SERP features on Google are reserved for Baidu’s own sites, that’s not the case with Featured Snippets.

You’ll still see Featured Snippets from zhidao.baidu.com, jingyan.baidu.com, and other Baidu properties.

Baidu Zhidao shown in Baidu Featured Snippets

But thankfully there are plenty of opportunities for sites to rank in Featured Snippets as well.

Baidu Zhidao shown in Baidu Featured Snippets

Where are they shown?

Featured Snippets on Baidu are typically shown at position 1, directly under any paid ads at the top of the page.

Baidu Featured Snippets are shown under the ads

What do they look like?

Similar to Google, Baidu Featured Snippets come in a few different flavors. They may contain a paragraph of text, an image with a block of text, a list, or a combination of these. However, Baidu being Baidu, there are plenty of unique cases too.


The most simple style is just a simple paragraph of text.

Baidu Featured Snippets with paragraph


Some Featured Snippets show an ordered list of text.

Baidu Featured Snippets with list

Image + Paragraph

The most common type we’ve seen is an image followed by either a paragraph or list of text.


Baidu Featured Snippets with image and paragraph


Baidu Featured Snippets with image and list

Audio clips

Baidu SERP Features can vary dramatically and very seldom follow standards, resulting in a multitude of unique and one-off types. This seems to be the case with Featured Snippets too.

Here we have a Featured Snippet with an embedded audio clip.

Baidu Featured Snippets with audio


We’ve also seen videos embedded within Featured Snippets too.

Baidu Featured Snippets with audio

Additional types

This is by no means a comprehensive list. It’s very likely more formats exist and will continue to be added in the future.

Tracking in Dragon Metrics

Featured Snippets are tracked in Baidu just like any other SERP feature. That means you’ll see if they’re showing on the SERP for a keyword in the SERP Features column on the Keyword Ranking report. If it’s colored blue, your site is ranking in this result type. If it’s grey, it’s owned by a competitor.

SERP Features

Click the SERP and Competition icon to see who is ranking in the Featured Snippet.

SERP Features

SERP Features

Click the Raw SERP tab to see the full content of what it looked like on the SERP.

SERP Features

We can see even more details on the SERP Features report. For example, we can see the total number of appearances of each SERP Feature type on tracked keywords, along with the number of keywords your site is ranking in them compared to your competitors.

SERP Features

You can view trends over time for your performance in Featured Snippets vs your competitors vs total appearances.

SERP Features

You can filter results to only show keywords containing a Featured Snippet.

SERP Features

Click on a keyword to see a detailed trend of SERP Features for this keyword over time.

SERP Features

There are even more places in the app where Featured Snippets are tracked and analyzed. To learn more, get in touch for a free one-on-one demo/training session.

Have questions about how Baidu uses Featured Snippets? Get in touch using the live chat — we’d love to help!