
Rank Above Competitors with Dragon Metrics

Looking to take your SEO campaigns to the next level?

Dragon Metrics provides the analysis and insights you need to rank above competitors and turn monthly reporting into a breeze.

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Track rankings on 11 search engines in every country and language, on desktop or mobile devices
Discover and track links to your site and those of your competitors’
Automatically discover highest-ranking competitors and see how you stack up
Get a detailed site audit with optimization recommendations and step-by-step guides on more than 70 common SEO issues
Find the perfect keyword with keyword research tools, complete with search volume and competitive data
Integrate with your analytics platform to see how rankings and links affect traffic and conversions
Uncover (not provided) keyword data to find which keywords are bringing traffic and conversions
Lighten your reporting workload with powerful dashboards and beautiful white-labeled reports.
Rank higher globally with additional SEO tools created specifically for Baidu and Naver

Platform Features

Rank Tracking Rank Tracking

Track performance and view ranking data from every possible angle across 12 in-depth reports with powerful filtering and segmenting options.

Whether global or local, we've got it covered with support for 11 search engines in 230+ countries on desktop and mobile in ~100K locations at the city / neighborhood level.
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Onsite Optimization Onsite Optimization

Site Auditor keeps your website healthy, automatically detecting 70 of the most common onsite and technical optimization issues.

Get recommendations on which issues to prioritize first, step-by-step instructions on how to fix, and all the data you need to take care of each issue quickly and easily.
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Keyword Research Keyword Research

Uncover keywords and topics your audience is searching for with keyword research on Google, Baidu, and Naver.

Automatic prioritization rules help find the perfect keyword for your site based on keyword difficulty, organic CTR, popularity, and search intent.

Workflows help you shortlist keywords for even deeper analysis and easy organization.
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Competitive Analysis Competitive Analysis

Instantly see any site's ranking keywords and automatically detect who your site's biggest organic competitors are.

Track competitors over time, see a head-to-head matchup, or run a Keyword Gap to uncover keywords your competitors are getting traffic from that you're not.
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content-strategy Content Strategy

Discover content opportunities and topic ideas to write for.

Find out what type of content works best for your audience, what they're searching for, and what kind of content attracts backlinks and boosts rankings.

Optimize new and existing content to unlock its full potential, and measure content performance.
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White-labeled ReportsCustomizable white-labeled Reports

Create beautiful and extremely customizable white-labeled reports quickly and easily. Report Builder is incredibly powerful, yet extremely easy-to-use.

Get exactly the data you want, exactly how you want to see it. Spend less time reporting, more time doing.
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Analytics Integration Analytics Integration

Integrate analytics data with with rankings, links, site audits, and more to understand how SEO efforts affect traffic, conversions and revenue.

Over 30 different highly-configurable analytics reports are available to bring all your data into one place and pull out deep insights and analysis.
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Designed for Global SEO Google Search Console

Quickly see which keywords are driving clicks and impressions to your site.

Go beyond the 1,000 keyword limitation of the Google Search Console's online report and get daily rankings for up to 50,000 keywords per site (doesn't count towards keyword limits).

Easily start tracking keywords or add them to a list for further analysis with just a couple of clicks.
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Designed for Global SEO Designed for Global SEO

Dragon Metrics was built specifically for the needs of the global marketer, with a suite of features designed to make SEO projects as easy as possible for global teams.
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China SEO Tools China SEO Tools

It's a given that Dragon Metrics works great for Google, but SEO in China is vastly different than the rest of the world — that's why Dragon Metrics provides an additional set of tools specifically designed to help marketers in China.

Support for all 5 major Chinese search engines, monthly search volume trends on Baidu, a massive Baidu research database, keyword research tools for Baidu, Baidu SERP analysis, local customer support in China, and a Chinese user interface are just some of the specific tools built for China.
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