
Mobile Rank Tracking

Over 50% of searches happen on mobile devices, which can have very different results than desktop search. Track mobile rankings on Dragon Metrics to get the full picture.

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Mobile insights

Over 50% of searches happen on mobile devices, which can have very different results than desktop search. Track mobile rankings on Dragon Metrics to get the full picture.

Compare desktop and mobile performance

View desktop and mobile data side-by-side to compare ranking position, ranking URLs, SERP features, competitors, and more.

Mobile SERP features

Measure performance and look for opportunities on 15 types of tracked SERP features, including mobile-only result types such as AMP.

Mobile competitors

Often times the strongest domains for a set of keywords will differ on mobile and desktop. Dragon Metrics will automatically uncover your top competitors on each device.

Identify mobile issues

Monitor mobile performance to identify issues and be prepared for Google's mobile-first index.

Compare traffic by device

Easily view organic traffic segmented by desktop, mobile, or tablet to measure value of ranking and SEO efforts.
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